1 Hover O’er Me, Holy Spirit,
Bathe My Trembling Heart And Brow;
Fill Me With Thy Hallowed Presence,
Come, Oh, Come And Fill Me Now.
Fill Me Now, Fill Me Now,
Jesus, Come And Fill Me Now;
Fill Me With Thy Hallowed Presence,
Come, O Come, And Fill Me Now.
2 Thou Canst Fill Me, Gracious Spirit,
Though I Cannot Tell Thee How;
But I Need Thee, Greatly Need Thee,
Come, O Come, And Fill Me Now.
Fill Me Now… (Refrain)
3 I Am Weakness, Full Of Weakness,
At Thy Sacred Feet I Bow;
Blest, Divine, Eternal Spirit,
Fill With Pow’r, And Fill Me Now.
Fill Me Now… (Refrain)
4 Cleanse And Comfort, Wholly Save Me,
Bathe, O Bathe My Heart And Brow;
Thou Dost Sanctify And Seal Me,
Thou Art Sweetly Filling Now.
Fill Me Now… (Refrain)
(Written by Elwood H. Stokes)
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