1 Down At The Cross Where My Savior Died,
Down Where For Cleansing From Sin I Cried,
There To My Heart Was The Blood Applied;
Glory To His Name!
Glory To His Name – 2
There To My Heart Was The Blood Applied;
Glory To His Name!
2 I Am So Wondrously Saved From Sin,
Jesus So Sweetly Abides Within;
There At The Cross Where He Took Me In;
Glory To His Name!
Glory To His Name… (Refrain)
3 Oh, Precious Fountain That Saves From Sin,
I Am So Glad I Have Entered In;
There Jesus Saves Me And Keeps Me Clean;
Glory To His Name!
Glory To His Name… (Refrain)
4 Come To This Fountain So Rich And Sweet,
Cast Thy Poor Soul At The Savior’s Feet;
Plunge In Today, And Be Made Complete;
Glory To His Name!
Glory To His Name… (Refrain)
(Written by Elisha A. Hoffman)
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