In a stable in Bethlehem long, long ago.

In a stable in Bethlehem long, long ago.
A dove made his home there for he couldn’t know,
That there in a manger a child would be born,
Whose name would be Jesus that day Christmas morn.
Perching in the topmost rafters singing gently
To the little child, Croo
And his father Joseph and his holy mother
Mary meek and mild, croo
He was one of very many little creatures
Present at the birth,
Of the child that brought happiness and joy to the earth.
A moth fluttered gaily around the rude byre.
He danced in the air near the candle’s warm fire.
The child looked up gladly, his eyes full of love,
At the moth and the dove in the rafters above.
Flitter flutter flutter, flitter flutter flutter
Flew the little moth, croo.
Flitter flutter flutter, flitter flutter flutter
Flew the little moth, croo.
They were two of very many little creatures
Present at the birth,
Of the child that brought happiness and joy to the earth.
Amongst the straw bales and the stacks of gold corn,
Were other small creatures the day Christ was born.
A hen with rich plumage and claws on her feet,
Searched all-round the stable for something to eat.
Flitter flutter flutter, flitter flutter flutter peck peck croo
Flitter flutter flutter, flitter flutter flutter peck peck croo
They were three of very many little creatures
Present at the birth,
Of the child that brought happiness and joy to the earth.
And there in a corner a hole for his house
Was a tiny intruder a grey twitching mouse.
He hurries and scurries, his joy plain to see,
As he waltzed round the mother, the virgin Mary.
Flitter flutter flutter, flitter flutter flutter peck peck croo Squeak Squeak!
Flitter flutter flutter, flitter flutter flutter peck peck croo Squeak Squeak!
They were four of very many little creatures
Present at the birth,
Of the child that brought happiness and joy to the earth.
And soon the dawn broke and the birds in the trees
Burst out in to song and the swallows withease
Swooped close to the manger with breathtaking flight,
To view the babe laying there, the world’s joy and light.
Flitter flutter flutter, flitter flutter flutter peck peck croo Squeak Squeak!
Flitter flutter flutter, flitter flutter flutter peck peck croo Squeak Squeak!
They were some of very many little creatures
Present at the birth,
Of the child that brought happiness and joy to the earth.
The animal kingdom with joy and great mirth,
Made great celebration of the blessed Child’s birth.
And we too with thanks, praise and sing our “Amen”
Join and echo those creatures in Bethlehem.


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