Christmas Carols

  1. All mine in your loveliness, Baby, all mine;
  2. A maiden most gentle and tender we sing
  3. Angels from the realms of glory,
  4. Angels from the realms of glory,
  5. A spotless Rose is blowing
  6. As with gladness men of old
  7. As with gladness men of old
  8. As with gladness men of old
  9. A virgin most pure, as the prophets do tell,
  10. AWAKE! Awake! ye drowsy souls
  11. Away in a manger
  12. Bells will be ringin’ the sad, sad news
  13. Born in a stable so bare
  14. Break forth, O beauteous heav’nly light,
  15. Break forth O beauteous heavenly light
  16. came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old
  17. Child in the manger,
  18. Come they told me
  19. Come they told me
  20. Dashing through the snow
  21. Ding-dong, ding:
  22. Ding dong, merrily on high!
  23. Do you hear what I hear?
  24. Feliz Navidad
  25. Frosty the Snowman
  26. Gloria, Gloria
  27. God is love: his the care,
  28. God rest ye merry gentlemen
  29. Going through the hills on a night all starry
  30. Good King Wenceslas looked out
  31. Good people all, this Christmas time
  32. Go tell it on the mountain
  33. Greeting cards have all been sent
  34. Hail, Queen of heav’n, the ocean Star:
  35. Happy holiday (happy holiday)
  36. Hark! The herald angels sing
  37. Hark how the bells
  38. Have a holly jolly Christmas
  39. Here we bring new water from the well so clear,
  40. Here we come a-carolling
  41. Here we come a-wassailing
  42. Hey! Chingedy ching,
  43. How do you capture the wind on the water?
  44. I danced in the morning when the world was begun,
  45. I heard the bells on Christmas day
  46. I heard the bells on Christmas day
  47. Il est né le divin enfant
  48. In a stable in Bethlehem long, long ago.
  49. In dulci jubilo
  50. Infant holy, infant lowly,
  51. Infant holy, infant lowly,
  52. In the bleak midwinter
  53. In the bleak midwinter
  54. I saw a fair maiden, sitting and sing
  55. I saw three ships come
  56. It came upon the midnight clear,
  57. I wonder as I wander out under the sky
  58. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
  59. Jesus, our brother, strong and good,
  60. Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
  61. Joy to the world, the Lord is come
  62. King Jesus hath a garden, full of divers flowers,
  63. Let all mortal flesh keep silence,
  64. Let all that are to mirth inclined
  65. Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming
  66. Lullaby, lullaby, my little one.
  67. Lullay, lullay
  68. Lully, lullah, thou little tiny child
  69. Lyrics for ‘Fum, Fum, Fum’
  70. My beloved is the most beautiful
  71. Nowell, nowell.
  72. Now the holly bears a berry as white as the milk,
  73. Now the holly she bears a berry as white as the milk,
  74. O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant
  75. O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant
  76. O come, O come, Emmanuel,
  77. O come, O come, Immanuel,
  78. Of the Father’s heart begotten
  79. O Holy Night!
  80. O little one sweet, O little one mild,
  81. O little town of Bethlehem
  82. O little town of Bethlehem
  83. O little town of Bethlehem
  84. O magnum mysterium
  85. Once in royal David’s city
  86. On Christmas night all Christians sing
  87. On Christmas night all Christians sing
  88. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me
  89. O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum
  90. Out of your sleep arise and wake,
  91. Past three a clock,
  92. Personent hodie,
  93. Quelle est cette odeur agréable,
  94. Quem pastores laudavere,
  95. Regina caeli laetare, alleluia.
  96. Rejoice today with one accord,
  97. Santa Claus, go straight to the ghetto
  98. Santa Claus comes tonight
  99. See amid the winter’s snow
  100. See that child Mary bore
  101. Shepherds in the field abiding
  102. Shepherds left their flocks astraying,
  103. Silent night, holy night
  104. Sing lullaby
  105. Sing lullaby
  106. Sing lullaby!
  107. Sing this night, for a boy is born in Bethlehem
  108. Softly through the winter’s darkness
  109. So this is Christmas
  110. Speaking of Christmas spirit
  111. Still, still, still
  112. Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
  113. Sweet was the song the Virgin sang,
  114. Sweet was the song the Virgin sung,
  115. The angel Gabriel from heaven came
  116. The angel Gabriel from heaven came,
  117. The boar’s head in hand bear I
  118. The first good joy that Mary had,
  119. The First Noel the Angels did say
  120. The First Noel the Angels did say
  121. The first “Nowell” the angels did say
  122. The holly and the ivy
  123. The Lord bless you and keep you
  124. There is a flower sprung from a tree
  125. There is no rose of such virtue
  126. There’s a star in the east on Christmas morn
  127. There’s a star in the East on Christmas morn;
  128. The tree of life my soul hath seen
  129. The tree of life my soul hath seen,
  130. This is the truth sent from above,
  131. This is the truth sent from above,
  132. This is the truth sent from above,
  133. This joyful Eastertide,
  134. Thou must leave Thy lowly dwelling,
  135. Thou must leave Thy lowly dwelling,
  136. Thou must leave Thy lowly dwelling,
  137. Tomorrow shall be my dancing day:
  138. Unto us a boy is born!
  139. Welcome to my Christmas song
  140. Well, my friends, just as you can be sure
  141. We three kings of orient are
  142. We three kings of orient are
  143. We wish you a merry Christmas
  144. We wish you a merry Christmas
  145. What Child is this, who, laid to rest,
  146. When blossoms ? owered ‘mid the snows upon a winter night
  147. Whence is that goodly fragrance flowing, stealing our senses all away,
  148. When Christ was born, when Christ was born
  149. When He is King we will give him the King’s gifts,
  150. When Jesus Christ was yet a child
  151. When Jesus Christ was yet a child
  152. When Joseph was an old man,
  153. When Joseph was an old man, and an old man was he
  154. While shepherds watched their flocks by night,
  155. While shepherds watched their flocks by night,
  156. Who’s got a beard that’s long and white?
  157. Willie, bring your little drum;
  158. Ye choirs of new Jerusalem,
  159. You know Dasher and Dancer