English Christian Song Lyrics- Letter “D”

  1. A Babe is born in Bethlehem, Bethlehem,
  2. A brighter dawn is breaking
  3. Above all the roar of the cities,
  4. Are you walking now in the light of God?
  5. At Thy feet Oh Christ
  6. Ba ba ba ba ba
  7. Back to the blessèd old Bible
  8. Back to you… I could never say enough to thank You
  9. Baptize us anew
  10. Baptized in water,
  11. Baptized into Thy Name most holy,
  12. Baruch Adonai Elohey Yisrael Adonai
  13. Battle Hymn Of The Republic
  14. Bayate Bayate inkosi
  15. Be a faithful witness for the Lord,
  16. Be a ray of sunshine everywhere you go,
  17. Be bold and be strong
  18. Be careful little eyes what you see
  19. Be enthroned on our praises
  20. Be exalted O God
  21. Be filled with the Spirit
  22. Be firm and be faithful; desert not the right;
  23. BE FREE in the love of God,
  24. Be glorified O my Father
  25. Be it unto me Lord
  26. Be known to us in breaking bread,
  27. Be lifted up As we bow down,
  28. Be my rock of refuge Be my shelter in the storm
  29. Be my shelter now
  30. Be near us, Holy Trinity,
  31. Be not afraid, ’tis I, ’tis I,
  32. BE NOT ALONE Know He is near you
  33. Be not dismayed whate’er betide,
  34. Be not far from me For trouble is near
  35. Be now imitators of your Lord
  37. Be present at our table, Lord;
  38. Be present, Holy Trinity,
  39. Be ready to go
  40. Be silent, be silent,
  41. Be sober be vigilant
  42. Be still and Know
  43. Be still be still And know that I am God
  44. Be Still My Soul
  45. Be still my soul be still my soul
  46. Be still my soul before the Lord
  47. Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.
  48. Be strong and courageous whate’er may befall,
  49. Be strong in God and in His power;
  50. Be strong! We are not here to play
  51. Be Thou exalted, forever and ever,
  52. Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide;
  53. Be Thou my Helper in the strife
  54. Be Thou my Judge, O righteous Lord,
  55. Be Thou My Vision
  56. Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
  57. Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ,
  58. Be thou, O God exalted high;
  59. Be true and list the voice within,
  60. Be with us, gracious Lord, today;
  61. Be ye joyful, earth and sky,
  62. Beams of Heaven, as I go,
  63. Beauteous are the flowers of earth,
  64. Beautiful bells of Eden fair,
  65. Beautiful hands at the gateway tonight,
  66. Beautiful Homeland
  67. Beautiful isle of Somewhere
  68. Beautiful robes so white,
  69. Beautiful robes so white,
  70. Beautiful Sabbath, how peaceful the light,
  71. Beautiful Savior, King of Creation
  72. Beautiful Star
  73. Beautiful Sunshine
  74. Beautiful Vale of Rest
  75. Beautiful Valley of Eden
  76. Beautiful Waters of Eden
  77. Beautiful Witness
  78. Beautiful words of Jesus, Spoken so long ago;
  79. Because He lives
  80. Because I knew not when my life was good,
  81. Because I love Jesus
  82. Because Thou hast said, “Do this for My sake,”
  83. Because thy trust is God alone,
  84. Because Your love is better than life
  85. Been a hard one, Been a bad one
  86. Been chasing my own plans
  88. Before all time began
  89. Before creation’s time
  90. Before His eye
  91. Before I came to be
  92. Before I lay me down to rest
  93. Before Jehovah’s awful throne,
  95. Before our God creation bows
  96. Before the day Before the light
  97. Before the earth was made
  98. Before the ending of the day,
  99. Before the Lord we bow, the God Who reigns above,
  100. Before the skies were stretched abroad
  103. Before Thee, God, Who knowest all
  104. Before Thee, Lord, a people waits
  105. Before Thy people I confess
  106. Before Thy throne, O God, we kneel;
  107. Before Your people worshipped You
  108. BEFRIENDED, Befriended by the King above all
  109. Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme
  110. Begone you evil minded men
  111. Begone, unbelief; my Saviour is near,
  112. Behold | tell you a mystery
  113. Behold a little child, laid in a manger bed;
  114. Behold a Sower! from afar
  115. Behold he cometh
  116. Behold Him now on yonder tree,
  117. Behold how good and how pleasant it is
  118. Behold Me standing at the door,
  119. Behold My Servant! see Him rise
  120. Behold our God is gracious
  121. Behold th’amazing gift of love
  122. Behold the breath of One so smallsts:
  123. Behold the eye of the Lord
  124. Behold the glories of the Lamb
  125. Behold the great Creator makes
  126. Behold the hands stretched out for aid,
  127. Behold the Lamb of God!
  128. Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away,
  129. Behold the love, the generous love,
  130. Behold the lovely springtime!
  131. Behold the messengers of Christ,
  132. Behold the Savior of mankind
  133. Behold the servant of the Lord!
  134. Behold the star of Bethlehem
  135. Behold the throne of grace,
  136. Behold the throne of grace,
  137. Behold this King so innocent
  138. Behold us, Lord, a little space
  139. Behold we come, dear Lord, to Thee,
  140. Behold what wondrous grace
  141. Behold, a Stranger at the door!
  142. Behold, behold the wondrous love,
  143. Behold, the Bridegroom comes!
  144. Behold, the Bridegroom draweth nigh
  145. Behold, the grace appears!
  146. Behold, the heathen waits to know
  147. Behold, the joyful day is nigh,
  148. Behold, the lofty sky
  149. Behold, the Master passeth by!
  150. Behold, the morning sun
  151. Behold, these words are trustworthy and
  152. Behold, what love, what boundless love,
  153. Behold, what wondrous love and grace!
  154. Behold! behold the Lamb of God,
  155. Behold! the Christian warrior stand
  156. Behold! the mountain of the Lord
  158. Beholding Your beauty is all that I long
  159. Being of beings, God of love;
  160. Believe and obey
  161. Believe not those who say
  162. Believe ye that I am able
  163. Believing fathers oft have told
  166. Beloved, we are God’s children now
  167. Beneath every doubt, there’s redemption
  168. Beneath my great Redeemer’s cross
  169. Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand,
  170. Beneath the forms of outward rite
  171. Beset with snares on ev’ry hand.
  172. Beside the Gospel pool
  173. Bethesda is open, the angel has come,
  174. Bethlehem, Calvary, Olivet, tell,
  175. Better is one day in your house
  176. Better than the riches of this world
  177. Beulah Land
  178. Beyond the glittering starry skies,
  179. Beyond the smiling and the weeping,
  181. Beyond this land of parting, losing and leaving,
  182. Beyond this lifetime
  183. Beyond us God within us
  184. Beyond, beyond that boundless sea,
  185. Big man standing by the blue waterside
  187. Bind Us Together Lord
  188. Bind us together, Lord
  189. Birds are rejoicing,
  190. Blameless in action pierced to a tree
  191. Bless the Lord at all times
  192. Bless the Lord O my soul/10,000 reasons
  193. Bless the Lord oh my soul
  194. Bless this hour of Prayer
  195. Bless Thou the gifts our hands have brought;
  196. Bless us Children now
  197. Bless ye the Lord All ye servants of the Lord
  198. Bless, O my soul! the living God.
  199. Blessed are the broken
  200. BLESSED ARE THE PEOPLE who know the joyful sound.
  201. BLESSED ARE THE POOR The kingdom is
  202. Blessed are the poor, for the Kingdom is yours
  203. Blessed are the pure in heart
  204. Blessèd are the sons of God,
  205. Blessed are They that believe
  206. BLESSED ARE YOU who are poor
  207. Blessed Assurance
  208. Blessèd assurance, Jesus is mine!
  209. Blessèd be the fountain of blood,
  211. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
  212. Blessed be the Lord, oh my soul
  213. Blessed be the Lord, our Rock,
  214. Blessed be the name (Clark)
  215. Blessed be the name (Pickett)
  216. Blessed be the name of the Lord,
  217. Blessed be the rock of my salvation
  218. Blessed Be Your Name
  219. Blessed Be Your Name
  220. Blessèd Bible, Book of Gold,
  221. Blessed Calvary
  222. Blessèd city, heavenly Salem,
  223. Blessed Cross of Jesus
  224. Blessèd feasts of blessèd martyrs,
  225. Blessed God, we bow in worship
  226. Blessed Homeland
  227. Blessed is He who comes
  228. Blessed is he Whose transgression is forgiven
  229. Blessed is the man
  230. Blessed is the morning sky
  231. Blessèd Jesus, at Thy Word
  232. Blessèd Jesus! here we stand,
  233. Blessèd Lord, in Thee is refuge,
  234. Blessèd Master, I have promised,
  235. Blessèd news from Heav’n above,
  236. Blessèd night, when first that plain
  237. Blessèd quietness, holy quietness,
  238. Blessed Redeemer (Christiansen)
  239. Blessèd Savior, Thee I love,
  240. Blessèd Savior, Who hast taught me
  241. Blessed shall you be
  243. Blessed the Lord, O my soul,
  244. Blessing and glory
  245. Blessing and honor and glory and power,
  246. Blessing, glory, and honour
  247. Blessing, honour, glory and power
  248. Blest are the pure in heart,
  249. Blest are the undefiled in heart,
  250. Blest are they, the poor in spirit,
  251. Blest be our everlasting Lord,
  252. Blest be the God of Israel who comes to set us free,
  253. Blest be the Lord; Blest be the Lord,
  254. Blest be the tie that binds
  255. Blest be the tie that binds
  256. Blest Christmas morn, though murky clouds
  257. Blest Creator of the light,
  258. Blest day of God, most calm, most bright,
  259. Blest feasts of love divine
  260. Blest hour, when mortal man retires
  261. Blest is he who loves God’s precepts,
  262. Blest is the man who shuns the place
  263. Blest is the nation where the Lord
  264. Blest Jesus, source of grace divine,
  265. Blest Jesus, when my soaring thoughts
  266. Blest morning, whose young dawning rays
  267. Blest Savior, near to Thee,
  268. Blest the man that fears Jehovah
  269. Blest, blest forever
  270. Blind Bartimeus
  271. Blood of His Covenant,
  272. Blow a trumpet in Zion
  273. Blow mighty breath of God Move upon this place
  274. Blow ye the trumpet, blow!
  275. Boldly I enter because of the cross
  276. Book of books, our people’s strength
  277. Book of grace and book of glory,
  279. Bound upon the accursèd tree,
  280. Boundless Salvation
  281. Bounteous Spirit, ever shedding
  282. Bountiful Harvest
  283. Bow down before the Lord
  284. Bow down Thine ear, almighty Lord,
  285. Bow down Thine ear, O Lord, and hear,
  286. Bowing my heart before You
  287. Brave Daniel
  288. Bread of the world, in mercy broken,
  289. Break forth into praise! Our Surety and hand
  290. Break forth, break forth, O joyful heart,
  291. Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light,
  292. Break of day Your light it shines on us
  294. Break our hearts, O God,
  295. Break out the cymbals
  296. Break these chains that bind us
  297. Break Thou the bread of life, dear Lord, to me,
  298. Break through break through all my doubts
  299. Break through the chains in my life
  300. Break, day of God, Oh break,
  301. Breaking through the clouds that gather,
  302. Breaking through the clouds that gather,
  303. Breast the wave, Christian, when it is strongest,
  304. Breathe Breathe it in Feel your heart beat again
  305. Breathe in me, so I can breathe Your name
  306. Breathe on me O wind of change
  307. Breathe on me, breath of God,
  308. Breathe upon us, Lord, from Heaven,
  309. BREATHE YOUR BREATH IN ME so | can sing
  310. BREATHTAKING, overwhelming
  311. Brethren, we have met to worship
  312. Brethren, we have met to worship and adore the Lord our
  313. God;
  314. Bride of Christ, whose glorious warfare
  315. Bride of Christ, whose glorious warfare
  316. Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake!
  317. Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake!
  318. Bridegroom , I am waiting by the front gate
  319. Brief life is here our portion;
  320. Bright and glorious is the sky,
  321. Bright and joyful is the morn,
  322. Bright and Morning Star
  323. Bright angel hosts are heard on high
  324. Bright as the sun’s meridian blaze,
  325. Bright glory to come
  326. Bright morning star King of all days
  327. Bright the corner where you are
  328. Bright the vision that delighted
  329. Bright was the guiding star that led,
  330. Brighter are the sunbeams on this day,
  331. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning,
  332. Brightest and best of the sons of the morning,
  333. Brightly beams our Father’s mercy from His lighthouse
  334. evermore,
  335. Brightly did the light divine
  336. Brightly gleams our banner, pointing to the sky,
  337. Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella
  338. Bring forth the royal robe
  339. Bring in the children, O bring them today;
  340. Bring many names, beautiful and good,
  341. Bring them in, Hark! ’tis the Shepherd’s voice I hear
  342. Bring your vessels
  343. Bring, O morn, thy music! Night, thy starlit silence!
  344. Bringing honour to Your majesty
  345. Bringing in the sheaves
  346. Broad is the road that leads to death,
  347. Broadcast all over the world
  348. Broken and lost You found me
  349. Broken by my shame
  350. Broken homes Broken lives
  352. Brood o’er us with Thy sheltering wing,
  353. Brother, art thou worn and weary,
  354. Brother, is your face t’ward the Canaan of rest?
  355. Brothers, joining hand to hand,
  357. Bugle call, Hearken to the bugle call,
  358. Build on the Rock
  359. Builder of ages, Planner divine,
  360. Building day by day
  361. Building day by day
  362. Building, daily building, while the moments fly,
  363. Built by Jehovah’s hand,
  364. Built on the Rock the church doth stand,
  365. Buried with Christ and raised with Him,
  366. Burn bright in my life
  367. Burn Holy Fire let the Father’s will be done
  368. Burst into new song
  369. Bury all whom Thou hast made
  370. Bury Thy Sorrow
  371. But (and) Mercy refused and Love took my
  372. But for you who fear My name
  373. But for Your grace I could not be saved
  374. But God demonstrates His own love for us
  375. But thanks be to God
  376. But until then, My heart will go on singing
  377. But ye are washed
  378. By and By (Crosby)
  379. By and by we shall know Jesus, by and by, oh, by and by;
  380. By Babel’s streams we sat and wept,
  381. By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored,
  382. By cool Siloam’s shady rill
  383. By faith in Christ I walk with God,
  384. By faith we find the place above,
  385. By faith we see the hand of God
  386. By grace alone somehow | stand
  387. By grace are ye saved thro’ faith
  388. By grace I will
  389. By grace I’m saved, grace free and
  390. By His blood we’ve been made holy
  391. By His stripes we are healed
  392. By Jesus’ grave on either hand
  393. By precepts taught of ages past,
  394. By the blood of the Lamb
  395. By the cross of Jesus standing,
  396. By the grace of God alone
  397. By the Grace of God we’ll meet
  398. By the hand of Your Spirit
  399. By the poor widow’s oil and meal
  400. By the way of Redeeming love
  401. By Thy birth and by Thy tears
  402. By vows of love together bound,
  403. By whom was David taught
  404. By You all things were ordained
  405. BY YOU AND TO YOU, through You and for You
  406. BY YOUR BLOOD I can enter the holiest place,
  407. By Your blood I will come boldly
  408. By Your blood this temple is cleansed
  409. By Your blood You have saved us
  410. By Your great mercy
  411. By Your hand the world was made,
  414. BY YOUR SIDE I would stay;
  415. Each day I’ll do a golden deed
  416. His oceans all rumble and batter His shore,
  417. O’er the hills and adown the snowy dells,
  418. Pray on, pray on, O trusting heart,
  419. Salvation belongs to our God
  420. The Babe in Bethlem’s manger laid,
  421. The Banner of the Cross
  422. The Battle of Calvary
  423. The Beautiful bright sunshine
  424. The Beautiful garden of Prayer
  425. The Beautiful Way
  426. The Bells of Easter sweetly peal:
  427. The Best Friend to have is Jesus
  428. The Bible is a brilliant lamp
  429. The Bible stands like a rock undaunted
  430. The Bible! the Bible! more precious than gold,
  431. The Birthday of a king
  432. The Blessed feast
  433. The blood of Christ, Thy spotless Lamb,
  434. The blood that Jesus once shed for me,
  435. The Blood washed throng
  436. The Breath of the Spirit
  437. The Bridegroom soon will call us
  438. The Broken Heart
  439. The Burden of life may be many
  440. The Burden of my fear and sin
  441. There is rest, sweet rest, at the Master’s feet
  442. There’s a royal banner given for display
  443. Who will take little baby?