Christ Liveth In Me

1 Once Far From God And Dead In Sin,
No Light My Heart Could See
But In God’s Word The Light I Found,
Now Christ Liveth In Me.

Christ Liveth In Me – 2
O! What A Salvation This,
That Christ Liveth In Me.

2 As Rays Of Light From Yonder Sun
The Flow’rs Of Earth Set Free,
So Life And Light And Love Came Forth
From Christ Living In Me.

Christ Liveth In Me… (Refrain)

3 As Lives The Flow’r Within The Seed,
As In The Cone The Tree,
So, Praise The God Of Truth And Grace,
His Spirit Dwelleth In Me.

Christ Liveth In Me… (Refrain)

4 With Longing All My Heart Is Filled,
That Like Him I May Be,
As On The Wondrous Thought I Dwell
That Christ Liveth In Me.

Christ Liveth In Me… (Refrain)

(Written by DW Whittle)

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